首页 » RNDR下载_RNDR安卓版下载_RNDR 手机版免费下载

RNDR下载_RNDR安卓版下载_RNDR 手机版免费下载

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Create stunning screenshots and animated videos for your app with RNDR!

• Choose a support : phone, tablet, laptop, screenshot…

• Import your screenshots

• Change the background to a color, an image or a video

• Create 3D animations

• Export images (including transparent background pngs)

• Export animated videos

• Add overlays to the 3D device

• Export as 3D file AR object (.usdz)

• Import your own 3D files (.usdz, .obj, .scn)

• Look at your designs in Augmented Reality

• Capture the screen as a background and add more devices.

Know your gestures!

– Drag with one finger to rotate the device

– Drag with 2 fingers to move the device

– Drag with 3 fingers up and down to move the device\’s distance to the camera

– pinch to change the field of View

– Double tap to go back to default预告软件AppStore随意得一个合集里面什么都有截个图片吧预约新软件

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