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Lockne下载_Lockne安卓版下载_Lockne 手机版免费下载

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Hello friend!

This is Lockne the app that will give you the perfect lock screen or home screen wallpaper. Have you ever tried to take a good photo for your lock screen only to have the time and date mess everything up? iOS loves to zoom into the photo when it sets it as your wallpaper.

Lockne solves all of this. With Lockne you have a camera app that lets you see in real time what a photo will look like as your lock screen or home screen wallpaper before you even take the photo. That way you can see exactly where the time and date will be with no guessing. After you frame your photo and take the picture set it as your wallpaper in the photos app you won’t have to make a single adjustment. Now you can look forward to updating your wallpaper on your phone and know you can get the perfect wallpaper every time.杂乱收集库预告软件AppStore♥预告游戏/应用软件♥可以换头像和壁纸应用

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