Awarded Best Software in Utilities category for 2011Remotely access your video camera, digital video recorder, network recorder and webcam.Over 1900+ devices supported. Use Scan Camera to automatically find compatible driver.! Android Wear and multiple TV platform support.Built-in web server enables remote control of the app to change record mode settings away from home or for use as a video wall or function as a transcoder to fetch frames from devices with proprietary protocols.Motion Detection built into app works with all cameras. Play sound when motion is detected. Record only when motion is detected in Record Mode (email notification optional).Record Mode that turns any spare Android device into a solid state, battery backed 24/7 video recorder for your standalone IP cameras. Allows playback, search and export to video clip file.Background Audio Mode keeps playing audio even when you switch away to other apps or lock the screen for use as baby monitor.With 5+ years of development there are so many features they won\’t let me describe them properly so here\’s an overview. Wide protocol and video format support including HTTPS, RTSP and ONVIF.Features include matrix view, pan tilt zoom, home/lock screen widgets, grouping, encryption and in-app motion detection.Upgrade features include 2-way audio, background audio, record mode with remote control and notifications. 来自应用汇: IP Cam Viewer Lite
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